Terms and Conditions

Volunteering is difficult and challenging. We strongly believe that you can contribute 2 sessions/day to the projects which involve physical work and getting your hands dirty. During volunteering, you are provided food, accommodation, and a chance to do something really worthwhile to make a difference in the lives of the children. It is the ONLY reason for going there. It is not a holiday with servants, sit around for reading or serving food. The volunteers are there to help with the needs of the children and local villagers, NOT to come about getting a certificate back home to show what wonderful people they are to their friends.

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Teaching Volunteer at Village Schools

Currently, we are cooperating with Government schools in the vicinity of Rainbow orphanage, and there are approximately 3000 village children enrolled. WFC is helping to provide Basic English to young children at primary schools from grade 1 to 6h (age 6 to 15 years ). These children are currently studying with local Smart Student Volunteers from secondary and high school or some of our older children from Rainbow who have reached a reasonable level of competence. These volunteer youth can work as assistants when Overseas Volunteers come and work in our communities. You can access these schools by walking or by bike. Desks, chairs and some basic teaching materials are provided - but more contributions would, of course, be greatly appreciated.

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Building & Development Volunteers

WFC is developing the trust of the local community and is being looked on as a place that provides a focus for the development of new skills. This is one of the reasons why the development of the Eco Farm for economically sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry, fishes frogs eels breeding and feeding can provide a model for changes in the wider community. We hope to build up Eco Farm as a vocational training centre. Hence we have an ongoing, (though modest) building program to meet these needs and we need your help. Anyone with trades and building skills is very welcome as a volunteer and those who are unskilled, but keen can work under the direction of or two experienced men who have done much of the work to this point in time. Come along if you are keen, bring friends and come as a team. You can make a real difference.

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Eco Farm Volunteers

We have limited land and the crops are very seasonal - needing water supplies in the dry season and cropping with flooding during the rainy season. In an attempt to solve these problems we are working towards developing a master plan for an Eco-Farm where we can grow vegetables and fruit and breed fish and pigs and work towards self sufficiency.

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